I've witnessed incredible teamwork as well as some very bad plays in my 25 years. Here's my 'real estate-take' on Boston.com's 5 Takeaways from the 2012 AFC Championship Time management was an issue Time will always be an issue if you're not on top of your game. Orchestrating a single real estate transaction can often times resemble a circus act. Picture Wes Welker juggling 8 footballs...in clown shoes. A good real estate agent can juggle 20, no sweat and with zero timeouts.
Dropping a perfectly good drive Time hasn't been kind to the real estate process. It's become increasingly difficult and extremely complicated. Lending hurdles and septic intricacies alone can cause an inexperienced agent to develop a bad case of the dropsies. This is where teamwork matters most. Surround yourself with excellence. I'm surrounded by it every day. Punting Kicking into the wind...enough said. We're used to performing in high winds, tornados in fact. Confusing plays are our specialty. Nobody needs a fair-weather friend, or a fair-weather agent. Build a relationship with a solid individual who is part of a solid team so YOU don't end up punting from the 34-yard line.
One horrible decision We practice hard to stay in the groove and avoid any need for a desperation pass. We bring our 200+ years of experience to the field and every client we educate brings us closer to the red zone. Bad decisions happen when clients ignore their agent's guidance. It all comes down to trust. And sometimes the first down that's right in front of you is the best play to be had.
Injuries impacting the team Life happens. Disarray doesn't have to. Losing a teammate to illness, loss or injury never compromises our ability to perform in the field. I'm always impressed by the way my agents support, encourage and nurture each other. People matter so much more than the glory. And THAT's what makes us champions.
The Results: 7 YEARS AS #1 !
Windhill has closed more business here in town than any other real estate company!* I guess we don't just play well in spurts! Touchdown!!
*MLSPIN 12/31/05-12/31/12