Don't expect a manly voice! Those of you who don't already know, 'Toni' isn't a 'Tony'. Toni (Farina) Riddle, a true Ipswich Townie, born (one of the last to leave the maternity ward at Cable Hospital) and raised all her life. She even married her Ipswich high school classmate, Rob Riddle 31 years ago this September. Together they've raised 2 kids, now in their 20's, one a student at UVM and one a graduate of the GIA in San Diego, CA.
Toni has been spotted many places around town over the years leading up to her now 15-year real estate career which began in 1998. Along the way she was a well-known and adored bartender at the once landmark, Lewis's in Essex (now history), worked for a cardiologist in Ipswich for 5 years, was voted senior class president in school and still runs the class reunions, her 35th coming up this Fall.
Toni comes from a big family and still hosts traditional Sunday dinners regularly at her long-time family home. She's happy to be the hub of her family wheel, insisting on doing whatever it takes to keep everyone close. Preparing, serving and cleaning up takes a lot of time and effort but it's worth it to Toni. "It keeps the family together and the kids get upset if we have to skip one." Strega Nona, her beloved and mammoth sauce pot makes regular appearances when the traditional carries over to her legendary Italian gravy (tomato sauce) recipe which Toni has since learned to modify for the vegetarians in her family. I might also mention that I'm the lucky recipient of the leftovers quite often! Yes, she even takes good care of me. Making folks comfortable by exuding kindness and generosity is the Toni-way. She treats her clients like family. Here's what folks have to say about working with Toni:
"She was fantastic and went above and beyond to satisfy our every need." "She knows the town culture and traditions. These skills gave me the best return in this market." "She is the BEST!!! She helped us buy our last house and we thought of no one else for our last purchase. She is honest, fair and committed to her clients" And those are just a taste of the many testimonials we've received over our long history with Toni.
Speaking of long history, Toni has built a lengthy list of loyal, lasting relationships over the years. Her solid reputation, generous personality and concrete ethical standards have brought her a lot of success, success of the Toni-kind, maybe not what you assume that to mean. She works hard in this tough business of real estate because the personal reward she gets from helping people cope with and manage the changes (good and bad) life serves up. She pours her heart and soul into delivering what her clients need and often gives her time away for free to help people. Clients are just an extension of family at her table. Come to think of it, everyone is.
Toni doesn't like the spotlight so we gave top billing to Frank, one of her beloved rescued greyhounds. Thinking about adopting one? Toni can help!
Need help with life changes and real estate decisions? Or maybe you would just like to sit at her table for dinner, get some great gardening tips or find out where you too can get yourself a Strega Nona? She can help with that too!
Toni can be reached at 978-233-2832,