Every holiday season we identify a handful of local organizations in need and spread out our efforts to help. This year is no different and we are in the middle of our holiday giving. Thinking about making a donation to the Ipswich Food Pantry? Stop by! We are open Monday-Friday, 9-5 and Saturday 9-3. Bring non-perishible (not expired) food items. We will make sure the pantry has it in time for Christmas.
We are also trying to help out Grace Center this year. Grace serves 50-70 homeless and lonely seniors daily. They are based out of 3 different locations on Cape Ann and for $5 you could make someone's day. Read more about Grace Center and how you can give the gift of grace this year here.
In addition to Grace Center and Ipswich Food Pantry, we are also supporting Ipswich Caring with books for children and Ipswich Humane Group through the Tree Jubilee at Marini Farm. If you haven't visited Marini's lately, stop by this weekend and check out the Jubilee. All proceeds go to Ipswich Humane.