We practice ‘ThanksLiving’ at Windhill! All year round we gather and plan and participate around ways to give back. From supporting the Realtors Political Action Committee to volunteering and contributing to The Open Door to running our annual Ipswich’s Favorite Home Art Contest to the numerous events and prizes and donations we give to Ipswich Illumination, Ipswich Travel Softball, Neer North, Ipswich Football & Cheer boosters, Ipswich Yearbook, Ipswich Humane Group, Alzheimer's Association, Ipswich Council on Aging, just to name a few with more to come in December, our busiest month of all!
Ipswich's Downtown Trick or Treat '22
Ipswich Illumination '22
NAR Bowling Event '22
Ipswich's Favorite Home Art Contest '22